Heidenstam´s rococo cabinet
This room has impressive views over the Ekeblad’s old oak tree, which has been standing for hundreds of years in the garden at the rear of the Manor.
The room is named after the poet and novelist Verner von Heidenstam, who used to stay overnight in this room when visiting his friend Birger Mörner, one of the Manor´s previous owners. It was here that von Heidenstam wrote part of his novel “Karolinerna”.
Legend has it that this comfortable room is also the home of a friendly ghost, “Lilla Grå”, who moves around the Manor switching off lights and moving pillows. He especially enjoys the bed in this room and leaves wrinkles on the bedspread.
Short facts
The Suites
The finest rooms
Premium Rooms
With historical character
Standard Rooms
Lovely rooms in the wings
The Smaller Rooms
Pleasant rooms in the south wing
Lodge Villas
Four separate bedrooms with shower
Guest Houses
Modern self-catering